Donate to Feel the Beat
Employer Matching Gifts
An easy way to double your contribution is through company giving programs. Many corporations will match employee donations to encourage philanthropy within the company! By simply completing a giving form, you may be able to double the impact of your gift! If you volunteer with us, your employer may also provide a grant as a way to recognize your ongoing support.
Click below to check and see if you company participates in matching gift programs.
Why Donate to Feel the Beat
This program uniquely touches the lives of those individuals who participate in it. To ‘Feel the Beat’ is to feel the Energy of life!
Arlene S., Parent
Because it matters and changes these children's lives in a way they never imagined. It is a discovery and a new opportunity for them to expand and express.
David & Jani M., Donors
Kids deserve to feel included and celebrated in every aspect of life. Feel the Beat does that everyday while supporting self confidence and skill building for all.
Drew M., Donor
The passion of this project is infectious.
Maureen M., Donor